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Roasts of Christmas

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Laura and I love the Quorn Vegetarian Roast, and every christmas we would get one. However, it isn’t big and we would squabble over it. I can’t remeber when but, one Christmas we decided to get one each and Christmas has been a joy since!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and Happy Holidays!


The Microbe Hunter

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It’s been a while since Little Bear got her microscope (check out Not For Snacks).

Normally, to gather samples from a lake, you would get a specialised boat with a winch-like apparatus in the middle that will push through the lake bed and extract a sediment core, from which you can investigate your microbes at varying depths. However Little Bear was on a budget.


Boar Bristles

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We were driving back from Bristol and we stopped at a place for ice-cream (after nearly running out of petrol!). The ice-cream shop had some goats and a large boar.
Laura made a joke about taking some boar bristles for her hairbrush at home (it’s made of boar bristles), and well we imagined what Bears would do.

A while back (5 years ago!) we made a comic about Little Bear’s furbrush.


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