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Communal Mouse

Communal Mouse published on

I work from home and once or twice a week, I would work in the office when Laura has classes at the university (which is in the city my office is based). After covid, my company moved to a flexible working scheme and I don’t have a dedicated desk, instead I have to book a desk that has a screen, keyboard and a mouse. One time I forgot my personal wireless mouse at home and had to use the one on the desk. I actually cleaned it with hand sanitiser! *shudder*


Country Roads

Country Roads published on No Comments on Country Roads

True story. Laura and I were driving back from Cardiff. Just outside Bradford-on-Avon, the satnav told us to turn right. I slowed down and there to the right, was the narrowest road I’ve ever seen. Either side covered with hedge and barely space for my small car! I would take traffic any day over what we call “squeeze-ville” roads!



Bat!Bat!Bat! published on No Comments on Bat!Bat!Bat!

October was a crazy month and November isn’t looking much better. I barely had time to darw or even making comics. We did manage to make this comic. Its a true funny story, except the setting wasn’t a cave but a tunnel.

We were on holiday in Cornwall (for our 18th anniversary) and were walking from Perranporth to the Bolingey Inn (a lovley 17th Century Pub) and on the side of path there was an interesting looking tunnel. The thing is, it was too low for me, but Laura could walk in perfectly. So naturally we entered, Laura at the front walking upright and excited with me, following behind with my back bent.

As we approached the other side, Laura started yelling Bat! Bat! Bat! and pushing me back out the tunnel. I couldn’t see ahead (due to little space and my head and back being bent). With what little space, I somehow managed to turn around as she was pushing me back out. Turns out there were bats hanging off the ceiling (as bats are meant to do) but was at head height to Laura and she didn’t want to walk into them. Or so the story goes.


The Runnning Bear

The Runnning Bear published on No Comments on The Runnning Bear

I did this as a special comic for my Taekwondo club art competition. In March, I did my first (and probably last) National competition fight and it went as bad as you would think. I was just over the heavyweight limit and had to fight a monster of a man and lost 10-0. Suffice to say I didn’t run away like Big Bear, but I sure wanted to!

No I didn’t win the competion because the theme was “What does Taekwodo mean to you”. The judge, a 3-time world champion, didn’t think running away screaming as being a proper representation of the “Spirit of Taekwondo”.


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