Another typical Bear conversation
Posts authored by haydenrampadarath
Back To Work
Happy 2023 everyone!
The first week of 2023 was back to work … *sigh*. This conversation happened on the last day of my 2 week holidays …
Merry Christmas
Going Easy
Been busy with end of year stuff and trying to survive the cold. Trying a slighlty different format with this one.
New Fandangly Telescopes
Sometime ago I was looking at these new high-tech telescopes … It can connect to your phone, calibrate to your location, give a list if objects that are within view. Then selecting your object it will point to it and stream a live view to your phone. I was blown away, and naturally I wanted one … then we had this conversation.
23. Endings
Well folks, this is it, the final episode for the first chapter of Bears of Lore. It’s been just over one year and a lot has happened.
While this is the end of this chapter it isn’t the end of Bears of Lore … far from it. We have a lot planned for this series and we hope that you will join Natty and Queggle in their adventures.
As a result Bears of Lore will be taking the rest of the year off. We need to plan and start the next chapter. Please follow us for future updates at, @BearsInkComics (twitter) and
Hope you enjoy this week’s episode. It’s based on a true-ish story (we were online shopping for a dining set and not in-store)
22. Friends
We are near the end of the first arc in the Bears of Lore saga. The final comic will be published in 2 weeks.