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13. T’was me!

13. T’was me! published on No Comments on 13. T’was me!

Bears have been captured and now their fates hang in the balance. The mastermind behind Bears troubles have been revealed. Did you see that coming? No? Yeah it was pretty obvious. We will continue the saga in two weeks, where we will finally meet the dreaded lord, Lucyfer!!!


12a. Julia Aurenbroke

12a. Julia Aurenbroke published on No Comments on 12a. Julia Aurenbroke

In this week’s Bears of Lore, we are properly introducing one of my favourite characters, Julia Aurenbroke. Yes this is the “shadow” that has been dogging (or catting) Bears’ every step. Seems that Julia and Natty have some history …

What nefarious plan does Julia have in store for our Beary adventurers?


11b. Captured!

11b. Captured! published on No Comments on 11b. Captured!

It’s been 2 weeks since the last BoL episode. In last week’s Being Bears, we announced that both Being Bears and Bears of Lore would be moving to a bi-weekly alternating schedule. This means, one week we will publish Being bears and the next Bears of Lore … and so on. The decision to do so came as there have been a lot of chnages in our lives that have made publishing 2 comics per week vey difficult.

With that said, I hope you enjoyed BoL. The next episode will be out on the 24th March.


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