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Bears’ Pears

Bears’ Pears published on No Comments on Bears’ Pears

Another true story in the weird world of ours. Green pears still confuses us i.e. the ones that even when ripe are still green. We don’t know when they are ripe and always leave them until they are the squishy ripe that isn’t that nice. We also never know when to pick our pears, leaving them too late … love pears they just confuse us!
You may have noticed that Being Bears missed a week. Well, we’ve decided put both Being Bears and Bears of Lore on an alternating bi-weekly schedule. For the last 4 years we’ve been constantly putting out BB comics with a few breaks in between.
Since we’ve started BoL (September 2021), we were hoping for the same momentum. However, with lots of things going on and changes in our lives, it’s becoming very difficult to put out two comics per week, and I’m getting very close to a burn-out. So we’ve decided to put both our comics on an alternating bi-weekly schedule.

What does this mean? Last week Bears of Lore episode 11A was published, and now this week Being Bears’ latest episode is out. Then next will be BoL and then BB and so on.

Hayden and Laura


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