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7a. Hailing

7a. Hailing published on No Comments on 7a. Hailing

Happy New Year! We’re back after our break. Since it’s been a while,if you are wondering what’s going on I recommend you go back a couple episodes back (from 5e. The Fence). However, if this is your first time reading Bears of Lore (welcome and thanks), you should start from the first episode.


6b. The Pub

6b. The Pub published on No Comments on 6b. The Pub

Bears are finally getting a break in a nice pub after a series of crazy events. Similarly, we will be taking a few weeks off. BoL will be back in either the 1st or 2nd week of 2022. Until then, we at Bears-Ink are wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and all the best for the New Years.


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