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10. Over Our Heads

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The plot thickens! But what’s this? Bears have found themselves in deep trouble. Will they be alright, and who is this mysterious and dashing person?
Tune in next week, same Beary channel, similar-ish Beary Time.


8. Search

8. Search published on No Comments on 8. Search

Apologies for being a bit late this week.

In the last episode (7c. Hailing), Queggle convinces her old friend Mildra (Milly) Latimer, Head Librarian at the Library of the Arcane Arts, to lend her the Tomes of Umari.

Today we find why, and next week, we learn about the mysterous Lucyfer whose cult has been hounding The Bears.


7c. Hailing

7c. Hailing published on No Comments on 7c. Hailing

This is the final episode of Queggle conversation with her old friend Millie, the Head Librarian at the Library of Arcane Arts. In the previous episode we learned that Queggle wanted to borrow the Tomes of Umari to learn about the mysterious Lucyfer.


7a. Hailing

7a. Hailing published on No Comments on 7a. Hailing

Happy New Year! We’re back after our break. Since it’s been a while,if you are wondering what’s going on I recommend you go back a couple episodes back (from 5e. The Fence). However, if this is your first time reading Bears of Lore (welcome and thanks), you should start from the first episode.


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